The illusions of the “special relationship” and the need to constantly search for completion. Says that we try to find in the other what ...
Re-parenting the burgeoning consciousness of the child within his own self is painful
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Re-parenting the burgeoning consciousness of the child within his own self is painful but the most rewarding as the intuitive voice gains...
This forum was created to provide a safe, sane place to use, discuss and study The 10 Stages.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
This forum was created to provide a safe, sane place to use, discuss and study The 10 Stages. We gather together to support each other i...
sexual energy is like a microcosm of the larger energy of life, and that dysfunction in our sexual energy can be related to and recognised in our bigger problems with joy and pleasure?
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
sexual energy is like a microcosm of the larger energy of life, and that dysfunction in our sexual energy can be related to and recognis...
The way to deal with normal sexuality in a healthy way is to keep on healing.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The way to deal with normal sexuality in a healthy way is to keep on healing. To grieve. To feel. To learn your internal stumbling blocks...
Masturbation puts you nicely to sleep
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Masturbation puts you nicely to sleep, lulling your unresolved childhood traumas back into their repressed caves in the unconscious. But...
Masturbation is risky for anyone with unhealed childhood wounds that is, all of us who are not yet fully recovered.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Masturbation is risky for anyone with unhealed childhood wounds that is, all of us who are not yet fully recovered. Although our biology ...
Dissing/disassociation is acquired awareness of what hurts a logical solution to an open question.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Dissing/disassociation is acquired awareness of what hurts a logical solution to an open question. Related articles We become very unc...
In the reinstatement of the valued child within
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
In the reinstatement of the valued child within we have to be careful of the dropping of the “old self” that we sometimes are calling freed...
If you drop the old self, the traumas are gone automatically.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Let me tell you just one thing: as long as I was working with the old traumatised self, as long as I was trying to change or improve the o...
When we are dissociated/escaping we are not at peace with ourselves at all.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
When we are dissociated/escaping we are not at peace with ourselves at all. WE are haunted by anxiety and stress of having to keep escapin...
The repetition compulsion is the inner drive we have to reenact our traumas
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The repetition compulsion is the inner drive we have to reenact our traumas in an unconscious urge to somehow solve them. The repetition ...
There really is nothing remotely Like TENSTAGE+: all bad decisions we make, even our reenactments of our wrong life threatening decisions offer us a chance to learn.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
There really is nothing remotely Like TENSTAGE+: all bad decisions we make, even our reenactments of our wrong life threatening deci...
Magazines, catalogues, junk mail, bills more than a year old, notes to yourself, notes from others, old work stuff … toss it!
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
TenStage Topic We make the discovery we have the power to take charge of our lives and stop being dependent on substances or other people ...
FORUM SUBJECT: A good parent self-reflects, and uses this as her basis for nurturing those less mature on their journey toward autonomy.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
A good parent self-reflects, and uses this as her basis for nurturing those less mature on their journey toward autonomy. A good parent do...
This forum was created to provide a safe, sane place to use, discuss and study the 10 Stages of Discovery
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
This forum was created to provide a safe, sane place to be able, discuss and study the 10 Stages of Discovery.We seek to create an area ...
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This forum was created to provide a safe, sane place to be able, discuss and study the 10 Stages of Discovery.We seek to create an area ...
When we have Dissociation Disorders and we’re displaying Passive-Aggressive tendencies there are a lot of issues that may affect us. “Indi...
A good parent self-reflects, and uses this as her basis for nurturing those less mature on their journey toward autonomy. A good parent do...
Our Recovery is complicated because we pass it through our habitual thought patterns. When we step back from ourselves, recovery become...
CHILD WITHINS: Hidden Agenda Workshops: You have big dreams. You feel that you have a big purpose. You know that you can make a massive di...
In the Zen tradition, we are reminded that the pathway to enlightenment starts with a beginners mind. It’s all over the wisdom traditio...
The 10 Stages 'Child Within' Course enrolment starting next Tuesday 1st of September for the month of September at RANE Middl...
Loving Kindfulness is the cause of relaxation. It brings ease to the body, to the mind, Lovng Kindfulness allows solutions to happen. As y...
You've probably heard this “motivational” question before: “How badly do you want it?” As in: “How badly do you want to get into rec...
TenStage Topic We make the discovery we have the power to take charge of our lives and stop being dependent on substances or other people ...
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This forum was created to provide a safe, sane place to be able, discuss and study the 10 Stages of Discovery.We seek to create an area ...
When we have Dissociation Disorders and we’re displaying Passive-Aggressive tendencies there are a lot of issues that may affect us. “Indi...
A good parent self-reflects, and uses this as her basis for nurturing those less mature on their journey toward autonomy. A good parent do...
Our Recovery is complicated because we pass it through our habitual thought patterns. When we step back from ourselves, recovery become...
CHILD WITHINS: Hidden Agenda Workshops: You have big dreams. You feel that you have a big purpose. You know that you can make a massive di...
In the Zen tradition, we are reminded that the pathway to enlightenment starts with a beginners mind. It’s all over the wisdom traditio...
The 10 Stages 'Child Within' Course enrolment starting next Tuesday 1st of September for the month of September at RANE Middl...
Loving Kindfulness is the cause of relaxation. It brings ease to the body, to the mind, Lovng Kindfulness allows solutions to happen. As y...
You've probably heard this “motivational” question before: “How badly do you want it?” As in: “How badly do you want to get into rec...
TenStage Topic We make the discovery we have the power to take charge of our lives and stop being dependent on substances or other people ...