Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: sexual energy is like a microcosm of the larger energy of life, and that dysfunction in our sexual energy can be related to and recognised in our bigger problems with joy and pleasure?
Author: Fraser Trevor
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sexual energy is like a microcosm of the larger energy of life, and that dysfunction in our sexual energy can be related to and recognis...
sexual energy is like a microcosm of the larger energy of life, and that dysfunction in our sexual energy can be related to and recognised in our bigger problems with joy and pleasure? Sex typically symbolises pleasure at the lowest level, the first and second chakra. Sex also symbolises the uniting of the male and female in the dynamic of creation. Your sex can reveal your desire (for instance) to abuse or repress the female aspect. Ultimately we seek a balancing of the male and female, the yang and the yin. This balance we must find within ourselves.


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