Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We who deny our deep inner world never acknowledge the source of these conflicts—our own childhoods.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The darker, unacknowledged purpose of being married with children is to create a vehicle for passing on denied trauma. Non-reflective, soc...
 We who deny our deep inner world never acknowledge the source of these conflicts—our own childhoods.
We who deny our deep inner world never acknowledge the source of these conflicts—our own childhoods.

The darker, unacknowledged purpose of being married with children is to create a vehicle for passing on denied trauma. Non-reflective, soc...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Our guide is a co-traveler on the path to truth.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Our guide is a co-traveler on the path to truth. He or she is striving just as hard as we are to understand and resolve his or her defen...
Our guide is a co-traveler on the path to truth.
Our guide is a co-traveler on the path to truth.

Our guide is a co-traveler on the path to truth. He or she is striving just as hard as we are to understand and resolve his or her defen...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: UPDATED: The CHILD WITHIN thats is an interior voice accessing the exterior and is the only true voice of the child.The authentic intuition voice that lovingly guides your life.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
If all our thoughts, beliefs, decisions and behaviour ultimately depend on neural processes and environmental factors over which we have ...
UPDATED: The CHILD WITHIN thats is an interior voice accessing the exterior and is the only true voice of the child.The authentic intuition voice that lovingly guides your life.
UPDATED: The CHILD WITHIN thats is an interior voice accessing the exterior and is the only true voice of the child.The authentic intuition voice that lovingly guides your life.

If all our thoughts, beliefs, decisions and behaviour ultimately depend on neural processes and environmental factors over which we have ...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We who are experiencing the denial of our dissociated recovery are not easily emotionally ruffled.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We who are experiencing the denial of our dissociated recovery are not easily emotionally ruffled. But this is only because there lies a...
We who are experiencing the denial of our dissociated recovery are not easily emotionally ruffled.
We who are experiencing the denial of our dissociated recovery are not easily emotionally ruffled.

We who are experiencing the denial of our dissociated recovery are not easily emotionally ruffled. But this is only because there lies a...

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